I have a 2 questions.

I have this code:

import std.stdio;

struct Test {
        this(int i = 0) {
                writeln("Test CTor.");

        this(this) {
                writeln("Test Copy CTor");

        ~this() {
                writeln("Test DTor");

Test[] _arr;

void copy_save(Test t) {
        _arr ~= t;

void by_ref_save(ref Test t) {
        _arr ~= t;


Why get i with

void main() {
        Test t = 42;


this output:

Test CTor.
Test Copy CTor
Test DTor


Why t is copied?

And the same if i have this:

void main() {
        Test t = 42;


t is already a clone. Why it is copied again?

Thanks in advance. :)

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