On 07/20/2012 06:47 PM, Eyyub wrote:

I have a question about the semantic of parameter
In this following code, there are 2 forms of the same function 'add' :

T add(T, U : T) (T a, U b) //doesn't work
return a + b;

T add(T, U) (T a, U b) if(is(U : T)) //works
return a + b;

void main()
assert(add(2, cast(short)2) == 4);
So, I infer that, in this case, TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization and
TypeSpecialization(of IsExpression) aren't semantically equal ? What are
differences between this 2 forms ?


(I hope that I have an english a bit compréhensible)

The confusion is due to the two different meanings of the ':' operator.

1) In the template parameter list, ':' specializes U. "U : T" means: "this is a specialization where U is T".


(Search for the "Specialization" section.)

When you use the template, T is int and U is short; so that specialization is not considered.

2) In an is expression, ':' means "implicitly convertible to".


So "is(U : T)" matches because "short is implicitly convertible to int."


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