On Saturday, July 21, 2012 22:41:10 Namespace wrote:
> Ok. I hope it will not take months. :/

Well, it's looking like it's going to take at least a month or two, but we'll 
see. It'll likely depend on how quickly Walter can complete what he's working 
on. He could have it done by the end of the month for all I know, but adding 
COFF support will take some time.

If you absolutely need the fixes that are currently on github sooner, you can 
always build the version on github. The easiest way to do that would probably 
be using DVM:


> BTW:
> I have a new strange behaviour by experiementing with structs.
> This code http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/new#top
> works fine, as long as i don't do _any_ operation after line 91.
> If i activate one of the out comment operations or something
> else, the program works still fine but crashes after termination.
> I use Windows 7, dmd 2.059 and compile with
> -w -O -property -unittest -debug
> I have no explanation.

If you find a bug, please report it: http://d.puremagic.com/issues

- Jonathan M Davis

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