2012/7/23 Sean Kelly <s...@invisibleduck.org>:
> On Jul 23, 2012, at 3:53 AM, maarten van damme wrote:
>> Got some more information here : http://wiki.osdev.org/D_Bare_Bones
>> Any way to do this with dmd? When compiling with -debuglib=none and
>> -defaultlib=none I still get a 31 kb executable so druntime still gets
>> linked in.
> That's not druntime.  The smallest an executable has ever been with runtime 
> is ~60 kb, and it's larger than that now.

doesn't druntime get linked in automatically when compiling any D
file? But your right, when I compile a normal empty d file with only a
main method the resulting executable is way bigger.

When I compile with -defaultlib=none and -debuglib=none it now
complains about none.lib not beeing found. How can I link in an empty

I did another check to see if druntime was getting linked in by
creating an instantiating a class. It now complains about __d_newclass
not beeing found so druntime really isn't getting linked.

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