On Monday, 30 July 2012 at 20:56:30 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, July 30, 2012 23:44:56 cybevnm wrote:
During initializing Variant, D discards top level const of array, which
leads to little unintuitive behaviour. Consider code:

import std.stdio;
import std.variant;
void main()
const int[] arr;
Variant v = Variant( arr );
writeln( v.peek!( typeof( arr ) )() );
writeln( v.peek!( const(int)[] )() );
writeln( v.type() );

...and output:
%dmd main.d && ./main.d

As you can see peek works successfully not for original array type, but for type without top level const. Is Variant supposed to work in that way ?

Probably not. When arrays are passed to templated functions, they're passed as tail-const (so the constness on the array itself - but not its elements - is stripped), which in general is _way_ more useful than passing them as fully const. However, Variant predates that behavior by quite a while, and it's well-passed due for having extensive work done on its implementation (it's API should be fine, but it was implemented when D was much younger, and we can do a much better job of it now). There's a discussion on that in the main newsgroup
at the moment actually.

In any case, please create a bug report for this:


- Jonathan M Davis


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