On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 12:03:01 +0100, Andre Tampubolon <an...@lc.vlsm.org> wrote:

The Go compiler is able to detect unused variables, and strangely they are regarded as an error.

It's not really a question of "able" to, or not. I'm sure were Walter to decide to add this feature to D he would also be "able" to.

It also doesn't matter what another language choses to do.

Why you'd want an unused variable to be an error is beyond me - it has absolutely no effect on the resulting executable, if it did it would be a bug.

What matters, ultimately, from a user point of view is whether the feature exists or not. We can solve that by having a 3rd party tool bundled with the compiler and this would be the best solution for all the reasons outlined earlier.


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