I need some relatively small C++ libraries to test my wrapper
codegenerator. Unfortunately anything big (like WX or even DMD as a
lib) won't work because I get out of memory errors when compiling the
D wrapper. Speaking of which, how can I debug/fix this? It seems like
a front-end issue because it happens with both all-at-once compilation
and by using -c. I can't tell whether it's caused by cyclic imports,
or template instantiations, or something else.

Some hobby C++ libraries would be a great start since they're usually
small. I could have a look at github as well..

Otherwise, I'll have to implement a system to filter out symbols which
won't be wrapped (by using a dependency tree so the wrapper still
remains compilable), which should generate less code and maybe avoid
the out of memory issues. But that's only a temporary solution and I
really need to figure out how to solve the out of memory bug (and DMD
really needs to learn to release memory on time..).

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