On 08/09/2012 10:25 AM, egslava wrote:
> Hello! Sorry for my English.

Thank you for using English.

> I read manual about "immutable" and "const" keyword:
> http://dlang.org/const3.html
> And tried to build my program:
> http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/f803ae94

Here it is:

import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
    immutable int x = 10;

    int *y = cast(int*) &x;
    *y += 10;




You are subverting the type system by treating an immutable variable as mutable.

> If I will change "immutable" to "const" output will not changed.

immutable and const are the same thing on a variable. I have written my understanding about this topic here:


I have unpublished amendments to that page. I am going to add this section:

Should a parameter be const or immutable?

The two sections above may give the impression that const should be preferred over immutable because it is more flexible.

This is not always true because const erases the information about whether the original variable is mutable or immutable. This information is hidden even from the compiler.

A consequence of this fact is that const parameters cannot be passed as arguments to functions that take immutable parameters. The following code produces a compilation error related to this fact:

void main()
    /* The original variable is immutable */
    immutable int[] slice = [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ];

/* A function that takes its parameter as const, in order to
 * be more useful. */
void foo(const int[] slice)
    bar(slice);    // ← compilation ERROR

/* A function that takes its parameter as immutable for a
 * plausible reason. */
void bar(immutable int[] slice)
    /* ... */

The code cannot be compiled as it is not known whether the original variable that foo()'s const parameter references is immutable or not.

Note: It is clear in the code above that the original variable in main() is immutable. However, the compiler compiles functions individually without regard to all of the places that function is called from. According to the compiler, the slice parameter of foo() may refer to a mutable variable, as well as an immutable one.

A solution would be to call bar() with an immutable copy of the parameter:

void foo(const int[] slice)

Although that is a sensible solution, it does have the cost of copying, which would be wasteful in the case where the original variable has been immutable to begin with.

After this analysis, it should be clear that taking parameters always as const does not seem to be the best approach in every situation. After all, if foo()'s parameter has been defined as immutable, there would not be any need to copy it before calling bar():

void foo(immutable int[] slice) // This time immutable
    bar(slice);    // Copying is not needed anymore

The consequence of that choice is having to make an immutable copy of the original variable when calling foo(), if that variable were not immutable to begin with:


The decision of whether a parameter should be marked as const or immutable is not always easy.

Templates can provide some help with this decision. (We will see templates in later chapters.) Although I don't expect you to fully understand the following function at this point in the book, I will show it as a solution to this very problem. The following function template foo() can be called both by mutable variables and by immutable variables. The parameter would be copied only if the original variable has been mutable; no copying would take place if it has been immutable:

import std.conv;
// ...

/* Because it is a template, foo() can be called by mutable
 * and immutable variables. */
void foo(T)(T[] slice)
    /* 'to()' does not make a copy if the original variable is
     * already immutable. */
    bar(to!(immutable T[])(slice));

> But why? Why output is look like this?

Here is the output:


> I would understand the output like this:
> 10
> 10
> 7FFF7E68AEB0
> 7FFF7E68AEB0

For that to make sense, the assignment through y should have been ignored. Would that make sense? What should the compiler favor?

> In this case, I would think - we just ignoring all assign operators.

I don't think the assignments are being ignored. Since you told the compiler that x is immutable, it can use its value instead of reading from memory every time. Reading from the memory would be unnecessary, right? It is immutable after all.

> I would understand the output like this:
> 10
> 20
> 7FFF7E68AEB0

That would not make sense. That doesn't look like a valid address to me.

> In this case, I would think - we just one more time located memory and
> copied value of variable.
> But why the output does look like this? How does this construction work?
> Why memory addresses are same, assign is working, but value of immutable
> variable doesn't change?

The compiler uses the value of x instead of reading it from the memory.

> I would even think, that in compile-time compiler changes
> writeln(x) to writeln(10), but why we can dereference "x"?

Yes, that's the case.


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