On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 20:28:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Brute force is so fast that there's no really any point in trying to solve it any other way except for the challenge of doing so. I answered a question on this using D at codegolf.stackexchange.com a while back:


and the code is lightning fast. It would probably have to be tweaked to match whatever Bearophile's code does though as far is input goes (I haven't looked at the code that he linked to). It also makes no attempt at being compact (e.g. it actually checks the command line arguments). It's at just over 150 lines and could be much shorter if I really tried to properly golf it rather than just solve the problem.

Interesting... Against the same input that brute force only one succeeded in 2 seconds vs my 9-12. And on the puzzle supplied on the Page, about 250ms compared to mine at 400ms.

If I add a few lines to remove the only real bottle-neck (cache result of 4 functions) I'm sure mine would easily out-perform that one; But I wasn't going for absolute speed and keeping things simpler.

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