On Sat, 18 Aug 2012 02:35:06 -0500, Simen Kjaeraas <simen.kja...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, 18 Aug 2012 07:11:38 +0200, 1100110 <10equa...@gmail.com> wrote:

I haven't been quite able to figure this one out.

string[string][]       Dict;    //sure ok.
alias string[string][] dict;    //Error

void main()
     Dict                   = [["Cow":"moo" ],["Duck":"quack"]];//cool
Dict ~= ["Dog":"woof"] //No prob. assert(Dict==[["Cow":"moo"],["Duck":"quack"],["Dog":"woof"]]);//looks legit
     dict temp              = [["Cow":"moo" ],["Duck":"quack"]];//Error
     string[string][] temp2 = [["Cow":"moo" ],["Duck":"quack"]];//Error

     //And My favorite one of all:
     auto temp2 = [["Cow":"moo"],["Duck":"quack"]];  //Error

I've hit stuff like this before, and I've always assumed it was just karma for screwing with it. I can't figure out why it does this.

These are definite bugs. Please file:


Is it supposed to do that or not?  that's what I can't decide...  =P

It doesn't seem to like templates either. A tls variable, Tuple, or a Variant seems to be the only way that
string[string][] works.  It wants a double?  a number anyways.

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