On Saturday, September 01, 2012 00:40:25 deed wrote:
> ----
> import std.random
> void main() {}
> ---
> results in:
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined
> _D4core6memory2GC6qallocFkkZS4core6memory8BLkInfo_
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4core6memory2GC6extendFPvkkZk
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4core5bitop3bsrFNaNbkZi
> --- errorlevel 3
> What is wrong?

You druntime installation is bad due to some cruft left from a previous 
install (the installer obviously needs some work). If you used an installer, 
then uninstall dmd, make sure that it's completely removed, and then reinstall 

If you installed it manually, then make sure that you blow away druntime's 
import directory and then restore it with the current version of those files.

- Jonathan M Davis

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