This is related to:

struct S
  const int i;

struct C(T)
    private T val;
    @property void front(T value)
        {val = value;} //HERE

void main()
  C!S test;

I wrote a generic template C(T), with a certain member function. I created an instance of that template with the parameter S.

Now, I'm getting a compile error at here, which would be understandable...
...*if* I was calling said member function.

In C++, member functions of templates are *only* compiled if they are ever called. This is not just an optimization, it is meant specifically to allow compiling a template, only if a certain amount of functionality is required, and the "not required" functionality wouldn't compile anyways.

Is this not the case for D? Or is it currently a limitation?
Can I ever expect we'll get a "conditionally compiled on requirement" functionality for template struct member functions.

Regarding making the above work, I found 2 solutions:

/////////////////////  1  /////////////////////
struct C(T)
    private T val;
    static if(isAssignable(T!T))
        @property void front(T value)
            {val = value;}

This works but:
a) It looks cludgy, and cumbursome on implementation
b) If I *were* to attemp a call to front, the compile error would be an obscure "fucntion not found", as opposed to "can't assign"

/////////////////////  2  /////////////////////
I find this more elegant: Make the member function itself a template:

struct C(T)
    private T val;
    @property void front()(T value)
        {val = value;}

This works, and is correctly "conditionally compiled on requirement". The signature is kind of kludgy, but it works... AND, if someone *does* attempt to make the call, then a verbose compile error appears.


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