On 09/11/2012 11:40 AM, Namespace wrote:
>> Here is a reduced code:
>> import std.stdio;
>> enum Type { Int, Float }
>> auto foo(Type t)
>> {
>> final switch (t) {
>> case Type.Int:
>> return 42;
>> case Type.Float:
>> return 1.5;
>> }
>> }
>> void main()
>> {
>> writeln(foo(Type.Int));
>> writeln(foo(Type.Float));
>> }
>> The return type of foo() is double. (It's float in your code but it
>> doesn't matter.)
>> I think this is a bug. I guess that 'return 42' is still placing an
>> int onto the program stack instead of a float. A workarounds are
>> returning to!float(this._num.ivalue).
>> But I think this is a compiler bug.
>> Ali
> I should begin to count the bugs I find with stuff like this. :)

Please create a bug about this one:


But wait until someone else confirms that it really is a bug. :)

> So no correct workaround, hm?

You have to cast the types to the largest one. The following does not work because foo() is not defined yet:

import std.traits;
// ...
auto foo(Type t)
    final switch (t) {
    case Type.Int:
        return to!(ReturnType!(typeof(&foo)))(42);
    case Type.Float:
        return 1.5;

  Error: forward reference to foo

Explicitly casting is a way:

        return to!double(42);

Or you can write or find a template that produces the largest type among the members of a union.


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