On Monday, September 17, 2012 20:56:21 Namespace wrote:
> As you can see here, you can change the key very easily:
> http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/71697a23

It's a bug. It should already be reported somewhere, but I can't find it, so 
re-reported it:


The compiler properly checks for immutability with arrays but fails to with 
objects for some reason.

> But even they would be immutable: I have still no guarantee that
> my key must be a lvalue. Or am I wrong? Otherwise I'm still for
> ref keys.

Why would the key need to be an lvalue? You're _never_ supposed to assign to 
it or alter it in any way. If you do that (which the compiler is supposed to 
prevent), then that screws up the hashing. If you changed the value of a key, 
then when you went to fetch the element associated with it, you wouldn't find 
it, because the hash had changed.

- Jonathan M Davis

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