On 22.9.2012 13:19, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> The problem with immutable is probably due to this bug:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5538
> And casting to shared probably won't work due to this bug:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=6585
> std.variant needs quite a bit of work done to it, and it's causing problems 
> with std.concurrency is this case. In the interim, I suspect that just about 
> the only way to get an AA across threads is to just make it shared and not 
> use 
> std.concurrency at all, as undesirable as that may be. Your serialization 
> suggestion would probably be the only other choice, though that would require 
> something like Orange, as Phobos doesn't have such facilities.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Hi Jonathan,

I will work around the AA. As I have said, it is used only to pass
name-value pairs. So no need to ditch the entire std.concurrency because
of that.


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