Looking to get nice D documentation generation setup.
According to this, candydoc is revamped.


I have vibed installed and tried to use this candydoc.

I try to follow instructions and attempt to get a bit of documentation with the following command (on linux):

dmd -v -c -D -I.../rejectedsoftware-vibe.d-482ca76/source candydoc/modules.ddoc candydoc/candy.ddoc /.../rejectedsoftware-vibe.d-482ca76/source/vibe/data/*.d

The candydoc documentation says to list the modules in modules.ddoc, but I could not get that to do anything:
        $(MODULE vibe.data.bsons)
        $(MODULE vibe.data.json)
        $(MODULE vibe.data.utils)

This is why I added the *.d at the end (maybe that is required for candydoc but the readme doesn't sound like that to me).
Is this the way to do this?

The result is three html files (bson, json, utils).html, one for each module. The symbols tab page is beautiful, but the modules page has links that cause file not found errors. A sample missing file is: vibe.data.bsons.html
This file is indeed not created. How can I fix this?

Also, pointers to any doc generation setup with decent styling that works out of the box would be great.


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