std.stdio has a nice struct called LockingTextReader in the source. The thing is it isn't documented at all, and I don't think it even does its own interface.

It claims to return dchars, but apparently reads bytes.

Its counterpart, LockingTextWriter, seems to do a little more dchar related stuff but again, I'm not sure what exactly it is supposed to do.

What are these supposed to actually do? I tried doing a simple unix cat like program:


and while it worked correctly on an ascii text file, it corrupted a binary file. The name "Text" makes me think it isn't meant to work on a binary file, but it'd be so useful if it did...

and besides, if it assumes utf8, why didn't it throw an invalid text exception when fed the binary data?

So, my question is: what are these supposed to do? I'd really like to have byChar and byByte equivalents and this comes close but not quite. Bug?

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