On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:54:51 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-10-15 13:51, CapitalLetterC wrote:
This will be my first posting here, but I've been obsessed with D since before there was a D2 standard. Despite that rather long period of obsession, it's only just now that I've started seriously using D as I attempt to code-up some POC projects to demonstrate that the language is
mature enough for serious development, or at least the kind of
development we're doing, anyway.

So, that out of the way, I suppose I should apologize in advance for what must amount to a pretty dumb question, since I truly couldn't have been the first to think of this: with regard to interfacing D with C libraries, why would we require a project like Deimos which ensures that each codebase is ported, almost entirely, by hand? Theoretically, shouldn't there be some kind of autotools-like method to establish something like, config.d.in which is then used via abstractions to properly configure the rest of the D wrapper? Obviously, D doesn't have a preprocessor, but couldn't one synthesize that with a series of judicious version() blocks? Then, whenever someone goes to build the application on their system, you'd have something to a series of autoconf-like tests to fill in the proper sections of of config.d.in and
get out a config.d suitable for their system.

I'm really sorry if there's some stupidly obvious reason this couldn't work and I'm just not seeing it, or if this is some n00b question you
get all the time.

The header files need to be ported so D can find the declarations of the functions and types. There are a couple of tools that can do most of the work, but not completely. Macros are specially hard to port automatically.


Actually, I understand perfectly well why the headers need to be ported to D code, what I was more wondering is if anybody knew of or had ever tried to use some kind of build system to automate the process to the greatest extent possible. So, for example, as a result of the configuration process certain features may be implicitly or explicitly enabled/disabled, without probing the individual user's configuration, you wouldn't know that, so how does one maximize portability, in that case? If you simply go to support the maximal set of features, you may wind up with a bunch of codepaths that go nowhere, likewise, if you choose only to support the minimal set of functionality, you may not wind up with code that's not useful to anyone, yourself included. Granted, I hadn't thought of the difficulty in porting things like macros, but I'd imagine that, in the absolute worst case, you could synthesize their behavior with templates.

But there are all sorts of issues in that same vein, like how certain structs get put together, what types are aliased with what, etc. That's why I was wondering if you could handle this analogously to how C does, with a config file that gets setup by a kind of configuration system.

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