On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 21:53:48 -0400, Charles Hixson <charleshi...@earthlink.net> wrote:

If std.stream is being deprecated, what is the correct way to deal with file BOMs. This is particularly concerning utf8 files, which I understand to be a bit problematic, as there isn't, actually, a utf8 BOM, merely a convention which isn't a part of a standard. But the std.stdio documentation doesn't so much as mention byte order marks (BOMs).

If this should wait until std.io is released, then I could use std.stream until them, but the documentation is already warning to avoid using it.

When std.io is released, it will be fully BOM-aware by default (as long as you use the purely D versions). The plan from my point of view is for std.io be be a replacement backend for std.stdio, with the C version being the default (as it must be for compatibility purposes).


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