On Thursday, 18 October 2012 at 11:43:40 UTC, simendsjo wrote:
On Thursday, 18 October 2012 at 11:31:47 UTC, tn wrote:

I want to extend math library functions to work with my own type. However, the definition for my own type seems to prevent automated access to the original function. How can I fix this unexpected behavior?

Simplified example:
import std.math;

int exp2(int x) {
   return 1 >> x;

void main() {
assert(exp2(0.0) == 1.0); // <= why does not this work anymore?
   //assert(std.math.exp2(0.0) == 1.0);   // <= this works

You need to manually add std.math.exp2 to the overload set so importing external methods doesn't hijack your methods:

alias std.math.exp2 exp2;

Thanks, that clarifies quite a lot. Unfortunately my example was too simplified, as my type is a template.

This still does not work:
import std.math;

struct Lognum(T) {
        T lx;

T log(T)(Lognum!T x) {
        return x.lx;

alias std.math.log log;

void main() {
        //assert(std.math.log(1.0) == 0.0);
        assert(log(1.0) == 0.0);
        Lognum!double x;
        x.lx = 0.0;
        assert(log(x) == 0.0);

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