Simen Kjaeraas:

The current GC always allocates a power of two, with a minimum of 16 bytes. You should see an effect if you make a class that will be above such a threshold without reordering, and below with.


Nothing bad can come of it.

OK :-)


Jacob Carlborg:

Are D allowed to reorder the class fields?

This page says:

The D compiler is free to rearrange the order of fields in a class to optimally pack them in an implementation-defined manner. Consider the fields much like the local variables in a function - the compiler assigns some to registers and shuffles others around all to get the optimal stack frame layout. This frees the code designer to organize the fields in a manner that makes the code more readable rather than being forced to organize it according to machine optimization rules. Explicit control of field layout is provided by struct/union types, not classes.<


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