On 24/10/12 17:39, thedeemon wrote:
On Wednesday, 24 October 2012 at 03:50:47 UTC, Dan wrote:
The following takes nearly three minutes to compile.
The culprit is the line bar ~= B();
What is wrong with this?

struct B {
  const size_t SIZE = 1024*64;
  int[SIZE] x;

void main() {
  B[] barr;
  barr ~= B();

The code DMD generates for initializing the struct does not use loops,
so it's
xor     ecx, ecx
mov     [eax], ecx
mov     [eax+4], ecx
mov     [eax+8], ecx
mov     [eax+0Ch], ecx
mov     [eax+10h], ecx
mov     [eax+14h], ecx
mov     [eax+18h], ecx
mov     [eax+1Ch], ecx
mov     [eax+20h], ecx
mov     [eax+24h], ecx
mov     [eax+28h], ecx
mov     [eax+2Ch], ecx
mov     [eax+30h], ecx
mov     [eax+34h], ecx
mov     [eax+38h], ecx

So your code creates a lot of work for the compiler.

That's incredibly horrible, please add to bugzilla.

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