On 10/26/2012 02:22 PM, Peter Sommerfeld wrote:
To learn about shared attribute I've copied nearly verbatim an
example from Andreis book. The code:

import core.atomic;

struct Data{
int value;

shared struct SharedStack(T) {

private shared struct Node{
T data;
Node* next;
this(T value){data = value;};
private Node* root;

// push

void push(T value){
auto n = new Node(value);
shared(Node)* oldRoot;
do {
oldRoot = root;
n.next = oldRoot;
} while(!cas(&root,oldRoot,n)); // line 30
// ...

SharedStack!(Data) q;

void main(string[] args){

Data m;
q.push(m); // line 40

I got the following error (dmd 2.060 win):

(40) Error function main.SharedStack!(Data).SharedStack.push(Data value)
shared is not callable using argument types (Data)

(30) template core.atomic.cas does not match any function template

What is wrong here ?


The following two changes are the workaround at least for compilation:

        auto n = cast(shared)new Node(value);
// ...

shared SharedStack!(Data) q;


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