On 2012-10-29 11:58, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Except that the place that scope statements go in the code is completely
different from where catch statements go. catch statements go at the end
whereas scope statements go in the middle or even the beginning so that what
you're doing in there can be close to code that corresponds to it (e.g. you
can have the code for releasing a resource right after the code for aquiring
it rather than having it in a complete separate part of the code. What you
typically do with scope  statements and try-catch statements is often
fundamentally different.

I can understand wanting to be able to have access to the exception that's
flying by in a scope statement, but I really don't see how saving a try and
couple of braces adds much. Certainly, the two are completely different in
terms of what they buy you.

I've used it a couple of times in Ruby, only in very small methods. It's not a deal breaker, it's a "nice to have" feature.

/Jacob Carlborg

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