On 01/11/12 22:21, Dan wrote:
TDPL states
However, unlike in C++, clear does not dispose of the object’s
own memory and there is no delete operator. (D used to have a
delete operator, but it was deprecated.) You still can free
memory manually if you really, really know what you’re doing by
calling the function GC.free() found in the module core.memory.
The language spec has this example from the section on Struct
struct S {
    int[] a;    // array is privately owned by this instance
    this(this) {
      a = a.dup;
    ~this() {
      delete a;

Is the delete call, then per TDPL not necessary? Is it harmful or

Also, are there any guidelines for using and interpreting the output of
valgrind on a D executable?


You'll probably have trouble getting much out of valgrind, because it doesn't support 80-bit floating instructions, unfortunately.

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