On Friday, 2 November 2012 at 18:33:39 UTC, Andrey wrote:
I know this isn't quite a right place for my problem, but you need to wait uncertain amount of time for registration on the official derelict forum, so I decided to start here.

Sorry. That's a problem with DSource. The maintainer hasn't been around in a long while. I'll have to look into moving the Derelict forums somewhere else, probably to my own server, when I have a chance.

import derelict.sfml2.window;
import derelict.sfml2.system;

import std.file;

void main() {

    version(Posix) {
        string SFML2_window = "lib/libcsfml-window.so";




After running this program I surprisingly get:

--Failed to load one or more shared libraries:
lib/libcsfml-window.so - libsfml-window.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Needless to say, I DO have this directory and file in proper place with other .so files from SFML library. But I'm new to deal with dynamic shared libs, so maybe I miss something.

Not sure what's going on here. In the error message, the part before the '-' indicates that Derelict is attempting to load the library name you told it to. But the part after the '-' is the message reported by the system, and that indicates the system is looking for a different file name (and, oddly, an SFML file rather than CSFML). Is lib/libcsfml-window.so by chance a symlink?

My Linux box is not immediately available and I am swamped with my new business, so I'm afraid I'll be rather useless in helping you figure this out.

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