Rob T wrote:

| struct d_list( T )
| {
|    struct node
|    {
|       T payload;
|       node* pred;
|       node* succ;
|    }
|    node* head;
|    node* tail;
| }

This doesn't loo like a list. It looks like the ancor of a list. Let 
me rewrite it and use D-parlor.

| struct Ancor( T){
|    struct Node
|    {
|       T payload;
|       Node* pred;
|       Node* succ;
|    }
|    Node* head;
|    Node* tail;
| }

This might be the ancor of a doubly linked list for a `payload' of 
generic type `T'. But there is a problem: generic type `T' might be 
itself a double linked list using an ancor of type `Ancor'.

If this would be true and there would be no mooring everyone, 
compiler  included, would plunge into an infinite loop. Therefore 
`T' must inform  `Ancor' wether that condition comes true---or `T' 
itself must take the lead.


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