On 11/11/2012 02:35 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
For classes, because they are reference types, it is the object identity that
determines the hash value (probably the pointer of the actual object). As a
result, even when the values of the members are the same, two objects have
different hash values.
For structs, because they are value types, it is the bytes that make up the
object determine the hash value.
Ahh, clear. So where classes are concerned there's a definite need to override
opHash if you want the _values_ to be the basis of the association, rather than
the object itself ... this would also have potential implications for memory
blow-up where a class is used as the key type, no?
But beware: The associative array members of structs are not hashed by values of
their elements. (There was a long discussion recently on the the main newsgroup
on this topic.)
I do recall that discussion, and I'll bear that in mind.
So far the only practical consideration I've had was for a Tuple!() to be the
key, rather than an actual struct or class; as it happens I've avoided that so
far, and I think I may continue to do so while there are still issues around
The more pressing reason for avoiding associative arrays as it happens was
simply that I was getting unacceptably large memory usage as a result: I'd got
some data stored in the form of byte[size_t] (really this should have been a set
of size_t's, but this seemed theoretically an acceptable stop gap while there's
no set class in Phobos), and for some reason that was generating memory
consumption twice that of having instead a size_t[] regular array. I guess
perhaps because although a byte should mean just that, in practice each value in
the byte[size_t] associative array was taking up a whole word?
It's a shame, because functionally it was useful to be able to do things of the
form if(i in list), but memory-wise it just didn't work for the size of data I'm
dealing with.