On 11/12/2012 06:55 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

> I'm just curious
> if there is any other way to meaningfully determine the type of one
> function argument based on the type of another. Hence the playing with
> different template argument formulations.
> It just feels really difficult to believe that the generic programming
> in D doesn't extend to allowing you to infer one argument type based on
> another.

I am pretty sure that should work according to spec under "Argument Deduction":


2. If the type specialization is dependent on a type parameter, the type of that parameter is set to be the corresponding part of the type argument.

struct Foo(_T1, _T2)
    alias _T1 T1;
    T1 t1;

void foo(T)(T foo, T.T1 x)    // <-- Note T.T1
    return func2(x);

void main()
    auto f = Foo!(size_t, string)();
    foo(f, 42);

Although, there is the issue of compiler's not being sure whether the T1 in T.T1 is a typename or a member variable. (That's why the 'typename' keyword is used in such contexts in C++.)

Still, please create a bug report: :)



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