On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:02:45 -0000, Jack Applegame <jappleg...@gmail.com> wrote:

void foo(ref int a) { a--; }
struct functor(A...) {
  void function(A) functor;
functor!int f;    // functor!(ref int) - wrong
f.functor = &foo; // Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& foo) of type void function(ref int a) to void function(int)

Hmm.. well I got past your initial problem, but I have a new one..

alias void function(ref int) funcType;

void foo(ref int a) { a--; }

struct functor(A...) {
  A func;
void main()
  functor!funcType f;
  f.func = &foo; //Error: f.func is not an lvalue

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