On Friday, 23 November 2012 at 16:11:25 UTC, Joshua Niehus wrote:
A bit messy, but im sure there is some room for cleanup somewhere...

Errata... (what i get for copy/pasting)

import std.stdio, std.conv, std.traits, std.complex;
template isComplexNumeric(T)
    static if(isNumeric!T) {
        enum bool isComplexNumeric = true;
    else static if (is(T == Complex!double))
        enum bool isComplexNumeric = true;
    else {
        enum bool isComplexNumeric = false;

class Example(T) if (isComplexNumeric!T)
    T k = to!T(1);

void main()
    auto x = new Example!(Complex!double)();
    auto y = new Example!double();
    auto z = new Example!string();

i did have to reference Philippe Sigaud's excellent book on Templates several times:

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