On Tuesday, 27 November 2012 at 23:43:43 UTC, Charles Hixson wrote:
But why the chained filters, rather than using the option provided by dirEntries for one of them? Is it faster? Just the way you usually do things? (Which I accept as a legitimate answer. I can see that that approach would be more flexible.)

Your right, I didn't realize that dirEntries had that filter option, you should use that. I doubt the double .filter would effect performance at all (might even slow it down for all i know :)

import std.algorithm, std.array, std.regex;
import std.stdio, std.file;
void main()
  string exts = "*.{txt,utf8,utf-8,TXT,UTF8,UTF-8}";
  enum string exclude =

  dirEntries("/path", exts, SpanMode.depth)
    .filter!(` std.regex.match(a.name,` ~ exclude ~ `).empty `)

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