Is the default implemented opAssign really pure and therefore should be considered such.

The code below works. If you turn off the static if, it will fail with:

Error: pure function '' cannot call impure function 'opAssign.S.opAssign'.

Also, in case the answer is no and default implemented opAssign must remain impure, is there a standard way, in a member function to do like:

auto ref opAssign(S other) pure {
   blit other into this
   call this(this)


import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;

struct S {
  char[] c;
  this(this) pure { c = c.dup; }
  static if(1) {
auto ref opAssign(S other) pure { c = other.c.dup; return this; }

S foo(S s) pure {
  S other;
  other = s;
  return other;

void main() {
  S s;
  S another = foo(s);

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