On Monday, 3 December 2012 at 11:08:34 UTC, maarten van damme wrote:
Strangely, the main in my dll is getting executed multiple times and
msvcr71.dll gets injected too. Is this normal?

mcvcr71.dll is probably loaded by your library, I don't know if D uses visual studio dependencies... one would think not... What are you injecting into?

Your DLL should only be executed once, I would go as far as to say it's impossible that it's being executed multiple times because calling LoadLibrary multiple times will not invoke the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH action multiple times, after the initial load it will only return the pre-existing handle.

Are you making sure to check if the "dwReason" in DllMain is DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH? If you aren't, it will seem like it's being called multiple times when new threads are created.

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