On Sunday, 9 December 2012 at 08:56:00 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
On Sunday, 9 December 2012 at 07:39:29 UTC, js.mdnq wrote:
On Sunday, 9 December 2012 at 07:24:57 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, December 09, 2012 07:54:25 js.mdnq wrote:
Why can't a struct inside a class access the members of that
class without a this pointer? It would seem natural to me that a
nested struct should probably be special in that it is really
just a special container to reduce clutter in the class.

Without a this pointer, there are no class members to access, because they have to be associated with a specific instance of the class unless they're static. Non-static, nested structs have access to their enclosing scope, but then you can't create them separate from the enclosing class. However, if you declare a nested class to be static, it has no access to the class' members and is not associated with a specific instance of the class. It's just that
it's declared inside the class instead of outside of it.

- Jonathan M Davis

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! It does have a this pointer!! If the sub-struct is a true sub struct then it is inline inside the memory of the class! That is, any member inside a struct can easily be gotten from the pointer to the class(object) as one just has to add a simple(and static) offset.

That is why nested struct inside a class actually does not have a context pointer -its fields addresses are calculated as offsets from class this pointer, not from struct this pointer.

If the struct is only used inside the class then there should be no problem.

Problems comes when nested struct is created inside a function without creating a class.

It makes no sense to have a struct inside a class behave exactly as that outside as it offers no benefit to do so(or maybe it does, but very little). Hence, we can redefine the way structs behave inside classes to make them more useful.

Perhaps the situation can be improved.

In any case, take this example:

class A {
   string Name;
struct B { public: int x; alias x this; void func(A _a) { writeln(_a.Name, x, y); }}
   B x;
   B y;


A a;

What is the address of A?

Meaning a, it is null.

What is the address of x inside A? (i.e., the struct inside A?)

x does not exists

Is it not a simple static offset from the address of A? i.e., knowing the address of a lets us know the address of x. Knowing the address of x also lets us know the address of a! (Same goes for y)

Yes, it is a CT-known offset which varies from one class to another. Note, you can insert nested struct into another class.

This is why a nested struct(using my semantics) contains the this pointer! (because it is a simple offset from the this pointer which can be computed at compile time)!

That's why nested struct does not have this pointer - it is POD structure.


Yes, this is basically what I mean. structs to have addresses as everything does in memory. But structs are created "inline". I do not know what you mean x does not exist and the address of a. x does exist(in the sense of any other variable) and a does have an address.

You say

That is why nested struct inside a class actually does not have a context pointer -its fields addresses are calculated as offsets from class this pointer, not from struct this pointer.

But if this is true, and a difference between nested structs, then there should be no issue implementing what I am talking about.

What I am talking about would require the struct to only be used inside the class as a class field. (as the struct is just encapsulating members of the class and not meant to stand on it's own, because, as you said, it would need a this pointer associated with it)

With my method, I should easily be able calculate, from a relative offset, the members of the class and use them. This means that the compiler should be able to do it for me. It then means that nested structs are not just structs stuck in a class for who knows what reason but actually signify that they are specially related to the class.


class A {
        string Name;
        struct B {
                int x;
                void func(ref A tthis, int ofs)
                        byte *ptr = cast(byte*)tthis;
                        ptr += ofs;

                this(int y) { x = y; }

        B b;
        this() { Name = "test"; b = B(3); }

        A a = new A();
        a.b.func(a, 8);

prints "test" as expected.

B.func acts just like a member of A in that it takes a this pointer just like any other member of A. It could be moved outside of the struct into A.

Semantically there is little difference between using func inside B or inside A EXCEPT that we have to provide the static offsets and this ptr manually. If the compiler did it for us we would could then use the struct as a way to provide encapsulation for types inside the class so each could have it's own unique set of overloads(as they won't then conflict with the class overloads).

This is the whole point. Obviously, a nested struct inside a class has the ability to access it's class members(or, rather, it's parents members) simply by "moving" all it's methods into the class(but we see still think they are in the struct).

e.g., the above class has the exact same internal functionality as this:

class A {
        string Name;
        struct B {
                int x;
                this(int y) { x = y; }
        B b;
        void func()
        this() { Name = "test"; b = B(3); }

(of course, we might have collisions now and we also have to call func through A instead of B but we get the benefit of not having to hard code the offset).

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