I'm trying to parallelize some code which is essentially a network of cells with an index. I can make the cells immutable, if I route all access to them via the index, AND if I can update the index. The index would not need to have items deleted, but updates would cause it to point to different addresses as new versions of the cells replaced old versions. Also the index is LARGE. I can't size it exactly, but it would have over 100,000 entries. To be safe I've said it's indexed by a ulong, though I don't have enough RAM to allow that to be reasonable.

So now I'm trying to parallelize it. I don't want a per thread copy for multiple reasons (it's large, it gets updates, etc.). But if I read TDPL correctly, shared won't allow me to update it. If I can't update it, I need to restart the program to resize it AND the cells can't be immutable.

It would appear that making the cells immutable is silly. All I need is to protect a few small places where I adjust various weights. But TDPL says that if I adopt that approach, I also need write locks around every read. So that looks infeasible.

I need the index mainly to sequentially step through the cells, so I could implement an equivalent functionality by having prior and next pointers in each cell...but if I use pointers then making one cell immutable makes the whole network immutable, and that's no good at all.

Is there a decent answer in D? This is basically one class replicated a huge number of times. Ideally each instance would be in a separate thread, but that would overwhelm the OS, and I don't have more than around 6 cores on my current system. But if each instance were in a separate thread, then I could do this with message passing....except for stepping through all the cells sequentially. (Well, I could do that by implementing prior thread and next thread variables, I guess, but that seems contrary to the purpose of threads. Still, that's a mandatory part of the problem.)

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