> When you instantiate MyStruct!5, it tries to define ret, so it
> instantiates MyStruct!4, MyStruct!3, ... and so on. You have to put a
> static if or something else to stop that.

Like this:

import std.stdio;

struct MyStruct(uint K) if (K > 0) // Only to disable direct creation for
    real[K] data;

    static if (K > 1) // getSmaller only exists for K > 1
        MyStruct!(K-1) getSmaller()
            MyStruct!(K-1) ret;
            foreach( no, ref d; ret.data )
                d = data[no];
            return ret;

    real recursionAlgo()
        static if( K == 1 ) return data[0];
            real sum = 0;
            foreach( i; 1 .. K )
                sum += getSmaller().recursionAlgo();
            return sum;

void main()
    MyStruct!(5) a;
    a.data = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
    writeln( a.recursionAlgo() ); // 24

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