The way I'd do it is to make an interface with a generic call method. The classes themselves fill this out using __traits.

interface SceneObject {
       void _callFunction(string name);

mixin template SceneObjectReflection() {
     override void _callFunction(string name) {
foreach(funcname; __traits(derivedMembers, typeof(this))) { static if(funcname[0] != '_') // just to skip stuff like _ctor
                if(funcname == name) {
                    __traits(getMember, this, funcname)();
           throw new Exception("no such method");

class Person : SceneObject {
    mixin SceneObjectReflection!();
    void greet() { writeln("hello"); }

Then you can use it like:

void main() {
   auto obj = cast(SceneObject) Object.factory("test6.Person") ;
   if(obj is null) throw new Exception("no such class");

Where of course the class name and the function name are runtime strings.

It will still be a bumpy ride to make this work in a real world situation, but this is how I would get started.

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