On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 18:08:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

It's not just about whether the function mutates something or not. Sometimes the function counts on the data not changing, ever. For example, if you're implementing a library AA type, you'd want the key to be immutable so that whatever hash value you computed for the bucket will not suddenly become invalid just because the user changed it from
underneath you:

In this case, the key passed to .addEntry *must* be immutable. That's the only way to guarantee that the AA's internal structures won't get
invalidated by outside code.

Thanks! You and Ali have presented good examples where 'ref immutable(T|V) t|v' trumps 'ref const(T|V) t|v' and if I understand them correctly it is for whenever the instance method (in the case of a member function) will hold onto the argument for later use. I'll refine my selection process accordingly.


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