in my own opinion I'd think that having a centralized
index and package tool (much like ruby's "gem", python's "pip", lua's "luarocks") would be a better way of handling the issue - I remember seeing a bit of talk about this some months (years?) ago but have since been too
busy to worry about it. :D

Hi, Jeremy!
D, as far, as I know, already has some projects: DSSS and orbit.
When I had trying to google "d language package manager" I found only those result. But really, I didn't even understand: Is DSSS a build tool or a package manager? Or is it BT and PM together? What projects are using ORBIT (orbit looks like gem/easy_install tool). Where is list of packages, available for DSSS/orbit? I may look for all those answers. But that questions - are special cases of common problem.

Common problem - to find even that information I spent about 30 minutes. In another languages, when I want to find library/tool I spend about 1-2 minutes, no more.

Furthermore, dsource is not working for me sometimes. And I even can't register. I'm registered person, but when I try to log-in, I see only a white screen instead of site.

So, again, problems:
1. I can't find all libraries/tools quickly.
2. I can't find solutions for my problems quickly. And you can't solve that problem by central repository.

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