On Saturday, 29 December 2012 at 23:58:49 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
That would be your problem. It's not fixed in 2.060. It was fixed since then. Use the latest from git or the current beta.

Hmm alright, I've installed the beta. New problems are creeping up curiously enough. There seems to be an invisibly added pointer 'this', which then makes a union break while using bitfields. This didn't break before...

Unless I use the traits it doesn't show the problem. Any thoughts?

  static assert(__traits(compiles, {
    union xxx {
    int i;
mixin("int geti() @safe const nothrow pure {return i;}void seti(int ii) @safe pure nothrow {i = ii;}");


test.d(??): Error: static assert (__traits(compiles,delegate pure nothrow @safe
union xxx
int i;
mixin("int geti() @safe const nothrow pure {return i;}void seti(int ii) @safe pu
re nothrow {i = ii;}");
void* this;
)) is false

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