Hi there. I'm new to D language and make a simple software monitoring new file with specified extension.

class FileList
bool ReturnMatchedFile(string str_arg_filename, string str_Extension)
        return endsWith(str_arg_filename, '.'~str_Extension);

        void GetCurrentList(string str_arg_Extension)
auto filter_CurrentList=filter!ReturnMatchedFile(str_arg_Extension, dirEntries(str_CurrentDir, SpanMode.shallow));

with this FileList class, after making instance of FileList and assigning str_CurrentDir variable, when I call GetCurrentList("d"), it says that std.algorithm.filter! ~~ does not match any function template declaration.
OK. So I modified above code like below just for a test.

class FileList
        bool ReturnMatchedFile(string str_arg_filename)
        return endsWith(str_arg_filename, ".d");

        void GetCurrentList()
auto filter_CurrentList=filter!ReturnMatchedFile(dirEntries(str_CurrentDir, SpanMode.shallow));

And it says that
this for ReturnMatchedFile needs to be type FileList not type FileResult!(ReturnMatchedFile, DirIterator).
I can't understand it!

Anyway, to solve the problem, again, I modified above code like below.

static bool ReturnMatchedFile(string str_arg_filename)
        return endsWith(str_arg_filename, ".d");

class FileList
        void GetCurrentList()
auto filter_CurrentList=filter!ReturnMatchedFile(dirEntries(str_CurrentDir, SpanMode.shallow));

and it works.

What is the problem?

Best regards and happy new year! :)

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