Al 18/01/13 18:47, En/na nazriel ha escrit:
> On Friday, 18 January 2013 at 17:02:51 UTC, Jordi Sayol wrote:
>> Is there a way to use a function from a static D library without importing 
>> their D sources nor their DI interface?
> lib.d:
> extern(C) void printf(const char*, ...);
> void foo() {
>     printf("%s".ptr, "hi".ptr);   
> }
> test.d:
> extern(C) void _D3lib3fooFZv();
> void main() {
>     _D3lib3fooFZv();
> }
> Hehe.
> Now, to be honest that is a good question. How to handle name mangling?
> Maybe pragma(mangleOf, "") by Alex Petterson could help.


Why it works with "extern(C)", but not works with "extern(D)"?

Jordi Sayol

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