On Friday, 18 January 2013 at 20:56:43 UTC, Namespace wrote:
Not sure what you mean?

Nobody will tell you when your pull fails the unittests.

When your pull actually gets merged for real into the "head", you aren't notified either (sadly), but the puller usually leaves a "merged" comment, and you get *that* notification.

It isn't my pull but I want to know if this pull is merged in the near future because it fix the "auto ref" problem and that is a very big issue.
Also I want to know if someone is working on the pull currently.

As they say here: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/pklewzmhquqewkecy...@forum.dlang.org#post-pklewzmhquqewkecyuld:40forum.dlang.org the working on less important things is apparently more important instead to merge something like the "auto ref" pull or the other 116 pulls.

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