On Saturday, 19 January 2013 at 12:45:06 UTC, deed wrote:
void main()
        mov    RAX, 3;

results in:
Error: undefined identifier 'RAX'

AX and EAX work.

Anything missing or isn't it yet implemented?

Hmm. I know there's a one byte 'escape code' that for x86 allows you to force it to a higher/lower level, perhaps that was just the 16/32 bit code and won't work for 64bit (different escape code?). I think it was 0x66, so you might get away 'db' prepending that, but I wouldn't rely on it. Sides there's lots of little intricacies of the instruction set; like you could have a one byte assignment to any register; That's assuming they aren't taking them away in the 64bit versions of x86.

     db 66h;
     mov    EAX, 3;   //may work, likely 1 byte assignment
     db 66h;
     mov    EAX, 300; //4 byte assignment from 32bit register
     //4 byte padding needed for 64bit.
     //Little endian would allow this to work
     db 0,0,0,0;

But that's mostly informational, refer to the technical manual from Intel before attempting.

Hmmm I wonder, with the 64 bit systems, do they still use the segment registers (CS, DS, SS)? I can see it being used for telling apart virtual memory and code/data, but not for hardly anything else; Plus it's original use has long since been unneeded.

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