Today I saw one thread with DSEL and another with SFINAE.
I was wondering, is everyone reading the forums here at ease with the acronyms bandied around?

We (I) could create a wiki page to help somewhat, if only to help newcomers not used to the C/C++-specific terms that are commonly used here. Many people here (if not a majority) are also non-native English speakers and I know that *I* had trouble with some words (NIH was new for me). Maybe people can just google it, but it seems friendlier to have a wiki page.

Yes? No? Could people here give me some ideas?

- RTTI : runtime-time type information ( <your explanation here>

- SFINAE : Substitution Failure is not an Error ( <your explanation here>

- RAII : Resource Acquisition is Initialization <your explanation here>

- NIH : Not Invented Here. Also: NIH Syndrome. When a community starts writing its own tools in its own language, (deliberately) ignoring there are more mature tools available elsewhere.

- DSL : Domain-Specific Language. A small sub-language dedicated to a particular domain or problem. Examples are regexes, string formatters (%d, %s, ...).

- DSEL : Domain-Specific Embedded Language. A DSL used inside a more general programming language. Also known as an internal DSL, as opposed to an external DSL.

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