On Friday, 25 January 2013 at 04:26:18 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
With templated code, it can be important. But then again, if there's no point in having a non-const overload, you can simply not declare any overloads without const. You only run into problems when you mix const and non-const.

The compiler has to be able to deal with various combinations of const and ref regardless of what it actually makes sense to declare. The only way that I can think of to get rid of that problem is to make it illegal to declare both const and non-const overloads at the same time, which seems unnecessarily restrictive (especially with regards to generic code), even if it doesn't normally make sense to overload on const.

True, but still it seems overtly annoying. I noticed most of this from TDPL. pg 257

The problem is that opAssign as defined expects a ref Widget, that is, an lvalue of type Widget. To accept assignment from rvalue in addition to lvalues, Widget must define two assignment operators:

  import std.algorithm;

  struct Widget {
    private int[] array;
    ref Widget opAssign(ref Widget rhs) {
      array = rhs.array.dup;
      return this;
    ref Widget opAssign(Widget rhs) {
      swap(array, rhs.array);
      return this;

There's no more .dup in the version takint an rvalue. Why? Well the rvalue (with it's array in tow) is practically owned by the second opAssign: It was copied prior to entering the function and will be destroyed just before the function returns. This means there's no more need to duplicate rhs.array because nobody will miss it. Swapping rhs.array with this.array is enough. When opAssign returns, rhs goes away with this's old array, and this stays with rhs's old array--perfect conservation of state.

We now could remove the first overload of opAssign altogether: The one taking rhs by value takes care of everything (lvalues are automatically converted to rvalues). But keeping the lvalue version allows for a useful optimization: instead of .duping the source, opAssign can check whether the current array has space for accommodating the new contents, in which case an overwrite is enough.

The whole time I look at the example code, I can see how the ref Widget can be const and continue to work perfectly, but the non-ref cannot be const (without ugly unsafe casting). But if you try to pass const data to opAssign it will either try to copy it (if it's POD or postblit it), or fail outright. In my mind I shouldn't have to double the functions to have it 'do the right thing', even if it's just to forward them. This is not a case where 'auto ref' could help, as lvalue/rvalue distinction needs to be kept.

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