On 01/13/2013 09:01 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
On 14-01-2013 00:18, Charles Hixson wrote:
On 01/12/2013 09:24 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
On 11-01-2013 19:15, Charles Hixson wrote:
I was looking for a way to create a weak reference to either a
struct or
a class. I need to be able to use it to automatically generate an
active reference on access. (I intend to do this by rolling in data
from a file.)

Any guidance as to where I should look?


It has some caveats (see the comments).

It certainly does have some caveats. And according to at least one of
them it may break badly in the future from a plausible compiler change.

Well, it's what I asked for, but using something that can be expected to
break without warning. I want to write code that I can forget after I

It would have been a great convenience, but that's a bit too high a
price to pay for a convenience.

Well, I'm not going to lie: You cannot implement weak references in D
any other way. The GC just isn't helpful enough.

The only way this code could break is if D ever gets a copying or
compacting GC. The chances of that happening, ever, are practically nil
because such GCs are extremely impractical in natively-compiled systems
O. To me that sounded like a likely thing for a garbage collector to have added.

Otherwise all you have to be aware of in your code is that the
referenced object cannot be used as a mutex in synchronized statements
and cannot have custom dispose events (finalizers).
Ok, but that's a thing that's already in place. I was worried about code that I wrote breaking with a new version of the compiler, perhaps a few years after I'd stopped thinking about it.

(Note, the last part there doesn't mean that the referenced object can't
have a finalizer declared via `~this()` - it just means that you should
not dynamically attach finalizers to it with rt_attachDisposeEvent().)
Thanks. That's an important clarification, as I would otherwise have misunderstood it.

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