On Friday, 1 March 2013 at 15:08:21 UTC, bearophile wrote:
void main() {
        immutable s1 = MyStruct(firstWeights,  10,  8);
        immutable s2 = MyStruct(firstWeights,   9, 10);
        immutable s3 = MyStruct(secondWeights,  9, 10);

    import std.stdio;
        writeln(likeness(s1, s2));

Sorry for the mix of tabs and spaces. The crappy editor I have used now has not replaced your tabs with spaces...


That's right.

I think you missed an initialization on this(): I fixed it.

BTW, compiler can't guess s1 and s2 weights, should it?

if inside likeness() i write:

enum test = first.weights.foo * second.weights.foo;

it said that can't read first and second value at compile time.


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