On Monday, 4 March 2013 at 03:44:20 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 03/03/2013 07:21 PM, nazriel wrote:

> *[1] - code for lazy people :

Thank you very much for doing that. It is the only way to ensure that these threads will remain complete.

Here are two ways depending on what you need:

import std.stdio;

class A
    int x;

    this (int y) { x = y; }

    void foo()
        writefln("::foo(), x: %s", x);

class B : A
    this(int y)
    { super(y); }

void main()
        auto a = new A(3);
        auto b = new B(4);

// When objects are available up front, initialize the function
        // pointer by an object:
        auto fp = &a.foo;
        fp = &b.foo;

// When no object is available up front, use a function literal to be
        // called with objects later on:
        auto fp = ((A o) => o.foo());

        auto a = new A(5);
        auto b = new B(6);


The 2nd one is what I was looking for.
Thanks a lot Ali.

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